3 Excellent Reasons To Take A Personal Loan

A personal loan is one of few loan types that typically do not require any collateral. You can apply for one if you need cash for any reason. If you are not sure if you have a good reason to need cash from a personal loan, check out these three excellent reasons to get one. 1. To Buy a Used Car If your car is not working well anymore, you might think about replacing it. [Read More]

What Customers Should Demand From A Checking Account

A checking account is an essential part of living in the modern world for many people. Though it is something so important, many folks aren't quite sure what they should expect from their accounts. This guide will help you to understand what you should demand from a bank when you sign up. The Lowest Possible Fees Simply put, there shouldn't be a lot of fees associated with your account. The free checking account is a standard of the industry, and free had better mean free. [Read More]

What Does It Take To Qualify For A Mortgage?

Do you need to apply for a mortgage to secure the financing for your home? If so, you may be wondering what it will take to qualify for a mortgage. If you are worried about having your loan denied, it helps to know what banks look for in their lenders. Large Down Payment A down payment shows a bank how good you are with managing your money. If you have very little saved up for a down payment and you want to buy a home, it shows that you are having trouble saving money. [Read More]

What Is An FHA Streamline Loan?

A streamline is a type of FHA loan that's aimed at people who already have mortgages and need to refinance. The FHA streamline process is, as the name suggests, simpler and faster than the normal refinancing process. In exchange for helping homeowners out, though, the government has requirements in place for how people might qualify. Let's take a look at the basics of the streamline system. Tangible Benefit The first major requirement is that there has to be a demonstrable and tangible benefit for the borrower. [Read More]