Ways To Help A Loved One Who Is Stuck In Jail

Discovering that someone you are very close to was arrested and is now in jail is probably not the type of news you hoped to receive, but there is little you can do about it if this recently happened. While you cannot magically get your loved one out of jail, there are things you can do to help him or her during this time. If this is what you want to do, here are three of the most important things you could do. [Read More]

The Advantages Of A Joint Checking Account

When you get married, you will join all of your assets together. If you aren't sharing a bank account, you may feel that having the same bank account can be another step in forming a union. Some couples will keep separate bank accounts, others will merge their bank accounts together, and some couples will have both a shared checking account and separate accounts. There are upsides and downsides to each decision. [Read More]

The 411 On Co-Signing On A Bail Bond

Whether a family member or a close friend got arrested, you will most likely want to do whatever you can to ensure they are released in a timely manner. Unfortunately, your family member or friend may not have the funds or ability to post bail for their own release. In these situations, you can co-sign for the person, which will make you responsible in many ways. If you are considering co-signing on a bail bond for a family member or friend, proper understanding is essential. [Read More]

Have Your Loved One Released Using Bail Or A Bail Bond

Nearly no one expects to be called from jail, but it happens all the time. When you are your loved one's single phone call, you want to be sure to act quickly and efficiently and have them released from jail. This can be a confusing time, but read on for some basic information about bail and bail bonds that might have your loved one free from jail in no time. [Read More]