Paying Back A Pawn Shop Loan: Four Things To Know

Selling gold or jewelry at a pawn shop can be a great way to get extra cash when you are in need, but knowing how to pay back the loan is essential if you plan to get your items back. Here are some things you should know when getting ready to pay off your pawn shop jewelry loan. Save Your Ticket And Paperwork You'll need your original paperwork, including any ticket you were given to use when claiming your jewelry back. [Read More]

3 Questions About Mortgage Refinancing

Are you in need of some extra cash or reducing your monthly mortgage payment? If so, you may have heard about mortgage refinancing as a way to get they money you need. Before you start the process with a lender, here are some common questions you may have about refinancing. Can Refinancing Save You Money? The process of home refinancing is basically applying for a new mortgage to pay off the old one. [Read More]

Four Fees To Watch Out For When Applying For A Personal Loan

If you need to pay for a large expenditure, such as a new recreational vehicle or a home improvement project, a personal loan is one way to do so. However, as you shop for personal loans, there are a few fees and expenses that you need to watch out for. Make sure to take these fees into account when comparing loans from different lenders. Here are four common fees you will encounter when shopping for loans. [Read More]

Some Questions You Should Ask Before You Buying A House

There are many people who wonder if they can afford to buy a house. The renting market is pretty inflated right now in many areas of the United States, which means that you can buy a house for about the same monthly payment that you are paying right now to rent. There are some questions you should ask yourself before you try to buy a house. How Long Do You Plan On Staying In The Area? [Read More]